Making an audio story from a written story was difficult in a way because I couldn't find some of the sounds I was looking for. I had to figure out a way to put different sound effects together to make the one I was looking for. On the other hand it was easy that way because I was able to get an idea of what I was looking for. Let's say for example I wrote "snake on grass," I would look for a broom brushing on the floor. The sounds are basically disguised under other names since the sound effects sound the same.
To animate my story I had to first find pictures that corresponded with my audio as well as my storyboard. With these pictures I used Photoshop to cut some parts out and I was done with that. Then once I had the pictures I figured out where exactly to place them throughout the video. To make these picture animate I used keyframes. Keyframes for the opacity to make the picture viewable or not, for position in order to make it seem like over a certain amount of time, the pictures move.
My scene for the silent movie was pretty easy to work with. Before I actually sat down to work on my project, I was picturing something terribly difficult to do, and it wasn't. My scene involved a lot of footstep sounds. I had running sound effects to slow walks with boots. There were many parts in the scene that weren't that hard to manipulate like metal objects falling and splashing on water.
To record my 2 foleys I had to go in the room and say what i had prepared, on the mic. I recorded me saying "wake up! wake up! come on!" I also had my friend Shayla say "what?!" on the mic. I already knew exactly where to place the foleys in my video. I think overall my foleys weren't that bad. I realized I could've made my voice deeper on the foley so I switched the pitch of the sound.